Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Edge of Everything by Jeff Giles

Rating: 3 & ½ Stars

“Do not even make fun of my star-crossed supernatural love.”

There is a point in a novel, that you were feeling neutral about, that tips you either for, or against it. The wry self-awareness of this sentence, almost towards the end of the book, was what won me over. Not that there is anything mediocre about Jeff Giles first novel. It proves to be a promising start to an interesting new Young Adult series.

Teenager Zoe Bissell has had a rough few months starting with the death of her beloved elderly neighbors, then compounded by the loss of her father in a caving accident. On a stormy night, she meets a stranger whom she dubs X – a bounty hunter from the Lowlands, the hellish underworld in this story.

As you may guess, the path of true love does not run smooth. But the obstacles conspiring to keep the two apart are interesting enough to merit sequels. In Zoe and X, we have two young protagonists who are plucky, vulnerable, passionately in love, and caring about the others in their lives.

To be honest, it was the last part that I found especially endearing. This romance is not just about two self-absorbed little twits – that they have a life and interests outside of each other keeps thing real. 

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